TRANSPAR - Sealed Conveyor

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Containement Dust
TRANSPAR - Sealed Conveyor
The TRANSPAR EX is our next-generation sealing system for belt conveyors. It can be used with material transfer conveyors, under screens and with crushers. Compatible with vacuum systems, the TRANSPAR EX respects all environmental protection and workersʼ health norms.
- Products Features
- Features
- Video
- TRANSPAR EX Delivers excellent results and does not generate more friction than sealing skirts.
- The rollers can be replaced without having to lift the belt or disassemble the rail and skirt, thanks to an innovative attachment system.
- The hoods fastening by strap allows easy access in the event of a blocakes.
- Safety and conformity of the conveyor part of the conveyor facing nip angles.
- The containment transfer modules are fully compatible with our deep trough loading points.
- Can be used with new and retrofitted installations.
- Can be installed on standard 500 mm to 1200 mm belts (wider belts possible under survey).
- The containment system can be coupled with the SPARGAMAT loading points to ensure perfect sealing of the material reception points.
The options available for optimal results:
- Dedusting on line
- Installation
- Reinforced
- Associated with a dedusting bag filter, the TRANSPAR EX achieves the beste results in terms of the environment and the health of workers.
- The dusting of an installation is the combination of a containment system (TRANSPAR) and a vaccuming the circuit (filter)
- Our experienced teams of technicians are waiting for your availability to come and assemble, settle, advise and satisfy your field problems.
- High temperature version